Thursday, June 25, 2009

Next year's Assembly takes shape

Just back from an Assembly Project Team meeting in a very sunny Plymouth.

The excellent news is that next year's Assembly will run from Friday to Monday (that's four days). This has happened because the Assembly organisers have listened to Assembly goers which in these days is a good thing to hear.

Themes are being worked on and there'll be news about that ahead of the summer lay-off.

So, now I have to put a team together to run Prism. Because we want the Assembly to be more deliberative, I am keen to have a smaller crew, so that delegates have more involvement in creating the programme as we travel through the weekend, with lots of space for people to be working together discerning what God is saying to us about our mission where we are and across the world.

I'm also minded to have no sung worship but rather a liturgist, a poet and a solo musician (who don't necessarily have to be three separate people) gathering our thoughts and reflecting back to us where our journey is taking us.

What do people think?


Unknown said...

Sounds good to me.... but then you've included everything I commented on!


Unknown said...

I was going to e.mail you but your e.mail doesn't appear to be listed.

simon said...

You can email me through the church website. It'd be good to hear from you.

Marcus Bull said...

Sounds great to me!